So, my jaw surgery was tentatively scheduled for July 28th...which was the first available date they had when I went in APRIL ha ha, busy people I guess. But THEN my insurance decided to deny me coverage (super!) and i had to get two teeth removed. We were going to remove my back molars during the surgery, but my Orthodontist recommended I get my smaller teeth (bicuspids) removed because the life of the molars would be much longer, which I completely agree with, and I definately would miss them! The surgeon said that my cases is unlike anything he's ever seen before, because usually when you move the bottom jaw forward, the top teeth rest on the back ones... but NO I have to be all screwed up and they (the molars) were hitting my GUMS... hence the removal! But, the spaces are closing and we are awaiting to hear from my father's job to see if he was approved for the loan for my surgery. Then, hopefully I will meet with the surgeon in november to see if I can have an appointment in December.... lets cross our fingers! All I want is this surgery to be done with, because to be honest I do not mine waiting to get the braces off, just waiting for the surgery is what kills me!