Day 14

Day 15

So, as you may have noticed, I only update every few days now. No worries again, all is well, just not too much is happening, so I don't feel the need to have to post 5 words!

However, yesterday I went to the Doc's and the Ortho, so lots of things happened. From the Doc's, I learned that the spasms I have been having in my jaw are completely normal. My jaw, as I assumed, is just getting used to being in its new place and trying to heal. He also said that I can stop sleeping elevated, which I did last night-and lord have mercy I slept like baby!! (Soo happy)! He also said I can start working out again, and only have to wear my bands for twelve hours a day, which made me completely happy because i hate wearing them! The biggest complement I got however is that he said that we're at two weeks, but I look like I'm at six. That put a big smile on my face!

Then, flash forward to the Ortho. More compliments: "You look great!" "You're taking wonderful care of everything" and
"We're going to have you wear your bands for 24 hours for the next four weeks."
Oh it was... wait, what? TWENTY FOUR HOURS?! Oh my goodness I was not happy about that! The Doc told me that this was because my bite is trying to shift, so during healing time it's the best time to do this and keep everything in place. And of course, I do what they tell me, because I know it will be 10000% worth it in the end. BUT that does not mean that I have to be all smiles while doing it! Ha ha, I'm hoping my mouth will just get used to it. But for now, I am constantly achy :(. No worries though, I also know it will go by super fast, and before you know on picture day 3898238482749822983 I might just have my braces off :D.

SO, beyond being a bit achy, I did have a wonderful sleep last night which made me
feel much better about everything. Although, I am already planning my revenge on Michelle (my Ortho adjuster person) muah hahaha! I'm also still taking my vitamins, and happily no longer have to take my prescriptions!

Off to study and get ready for grad school apps:) Enjoy the day!

Side note- Over the holiday's, my Ortho office sent me a get well soon card plus 2 gift certificates that I can use at a variety of places in the area! I can't wait to use them (Burger at Fudruckers= amazing) and if they see this THANK YOU!
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